OBJECTIVE OF MACAO: The objective of Macao is to be the player with the most prestige points by moving the furthest along the prestige track.
NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 2 to 4 Players
MATERIALS: 1 Game Board, 4 Player Markers, 4 Wind Roses, 24 Goods Tiles, 6 Joker Tiles, 36 Gold Coins, 48 Punish Marker, 300 Action Cubes, 6 Dice, 4 Ships, 10 Discs, 24 Office Cards, 44 Building Cards, 52 Person Cards, and Instructions
TYPE OF GAME: Drafting Board Game
AUDIENCE: Ages 12 and Up
In Macao, the port city in southernmost China, players act as adventurers that are trying to become the most prestigious captains, governors, craftsman, or scholars that they can be. Over the course of 12 rounds, players will select cards, building their decks. In order to score points, players must deliver goods, use their cards, pay with coins, and build throughout the city. 룰렛사이트
To begin setup, place the board in the center of the playing area. Each player will choose a color to represent them throughout the course of the game. They will then collect all of the following materials in their chosen color: 12 ownership markers, two discs, a ship, a wind rose, and a tableau. They will also collect five gold coins. The tableau is placed in front of the player, and the wind rose, ownership markers, and gold coins are placed beside it.
The rest of the gold coins are placed beside the board, creating the bank. The action cubes are separated by color and placed beside the board, within reach of all players. All of the goods tiles are placed on the houses in the light city spaces randomly, with the joker tiles being placed on the houses in the dark city spaces. The cards are divided into two stacks, the office cards and the building or person cards. The office cards are separated into sets of two and placed alongside the game board where the markers are, and the other cards are placed beside the board.
The two brown discs can be placed on the right and left side of the zero on the tribute track on the left of the board. One player will be assigned the role of dice roller. They will then place all of the dice beside the board. Two cards more than the number of players is then drawn from the building and person stack, and then each player will take a card and place it on an empty space on their tableau.
Beginning with the player whose disk is on the top of the pile of discs and continuing down, the players will take one action cube from the supply. They will place it beside the one die space on their wind rose, and then they will collect two action cubes that match their first one beside their two-die space. The game is then ready to begin.
The game is played over the course of 12 rounds, with each round having three phases, the cards phase, the dice phase, and the action phase. The roller will take two office cards, placing them beside the board face up along with the top four building or person cards. All yellow numbers on the cards are tallied, figuring the tribute value, and the brown disc is moved to the corresponding space on the tribute table. The red numbers are also tallied, and the exchange value is determined by the tribute table. The players will discard up to two of the building or person cards depending on the number of players, and each player will choose a card to add to their tableau, beginning with the first player to the wall.
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