OBJECTIVE: Be the player with the highest score at the end of the game
NUMBER OF CARDS: 52 card deck
RANK OF CARDS: (low) 2 – Ace (high)
TYPE OF GAME: Trick taking
Trex is a very unique trick taking game that is played in the Middle East. Each round consists of five different deals. During each deal, players will follow a contract. The contract determines how the game will be played and how points are earned or lost. 바카라사이트
When playing this game for the first time, it would be helpful to keep track of the contracts being played on the scoresheet. It would also help to keep track of points as they are being lost or earned.
Trex is played with a standard 52 card French deck. To decide who will be the first dealer and the scorekeeper for the game, each player should take a card from the deck. The player with the highest card deals first, and the player with the lowest card keeps score for the game.
The dealer should collect the cards, shuffle them thoroughly, and deal 13 cards to each player.
Trex is played over the course of four rounds. The dealer is referred to as the King. Each round is referred to as a kingdom. During a kingdom, the King will deal five separate times. Once the cards are dealt, the King will pick a contract that needs to be fulfilled. They may pick the contracts in any order. Four of the contracts are trick taking, and one of them is hand shedding. Each contract has its own set of rules for play and scoring.
Once all five contracts have been played, the round is over. Deal will pass to the next player on the left. They become the King, and the contract order decision is theirs to make. Play like this will continue until each player has been the King.
While a player is king, they may choose to play the following contracts in any order they wish. They may not play the same contract more than once while they are King. The contract choice is made after the cards are dealt, and the King has looked at their hand.
The dealer leads first. Following players must follow suit if able. The highest card played in the suit that was led takes the trick. The player who takes the trick leads next.
The player who wins the trick that has the King of hearts loses 75 points from their score.
When the King of Hearts contract is announced, the player who holds the King of hearts can choose to announce that they have it. If they do, they must show the card to the rest of the table. By announcing that they have the card, they have doubled the value of the card. The player who captures the King of hearts now loses 150 points from their score. The player who announced the card earns 75 points. If the same player that announces the card captures it, they only lose 75 points.
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