OBJECTIVE OF GAME OF THRONES THE BOARD GAME: The objective of Game of Thrones The Board Game is to control more castles and fortresses than your enemies.
- 1 Rule Book
- 1 Board
- 138 coloured plastic units (10 Footmen, 5 Knights, 6 Ships and 2 Siege Engines per house)
- 42 House cards (7 per House)
- 30 Westeros cards
- 9 Wildlings cards
- 24 Course of the Battle small cards
- 6 House screens, 1 per house
- 90 Order tokens (15 per house)
- 120 Power tokens (20 per house)
- 18 Influence markers (3 per house)
- 6 Supply markers (1 per house)
- 14 tiles Force Neutral
- 6 Victory Point markers (1 per house)
- 6 Garrison tiles (1 per house)
- 1 Iron Throne tile
- 1 Valyrian Steel Blade tile
- 1 Messenger Raven tile
- 1 Game Round marker
- 1 Wildling Threat token
- 1 King’s Court plate (for 3 or 4 player games)
TYPE OF GAME: order/army placement strategy game
AUDIENCE: teen, adult
King Robert Baratheon is dead, and the seven crowns governing the lands of Westeros are preparing for war. Armies are gathering and crows are flying, the battle of the kings becomes inevitable. 우리카지노
Based on George R.R. Martin’s series of novels The Iron Throne, Game of Thrones The Board Game allows players to take control of one of the great Houses of Westeros and embark on a game of struggles for influence, conquest of territory, and diplomacy in the amazing world of the Iron Throne.
In this strategy game, you will recruit armies, conquer territories and form alliances. Take control of your house and control as many Castles and Fortresses as possible in order to claim the Iron Throne.

Place the board in the centre of the table.
Shuffle the deck of Wildling cards, place it next to the Wildlings’ track, and place the Wildlings’ Threat marker on the square 2 of the Wildling Threat track.
Shuffle each of the three packs of Westeros cards separately (using their number) and place them next to the board.
Neutral forces: take the rectangular region tiles that have a number corresponding to the number of players on one of their faces, and place them in the relevant squares on the board, with the correct face visible (the one corresponding to the number of players).
Place the Game Round marker on square 1 of the turn track.
Each player chooses a house, but depending on the number of players some houses are not available:
- with 5 players we play without the Martell house
- with 4 players we play without the houses Martell and Tyrell
- with 3 players you play without the houses Greyjoy, Martell and Tyrell, and the whole south area of the board (representing the Tyrell and Martell territories) will be inaccessible.
In addition, for 3 and 4 players, a different plate is added on the first 4 positions of the King’s Court influence track of the board.
Once the houses have been chosen, each player takes the following material corresponding to his house: House screen, 7 House cards, 15 Order counters, 1 Supply counter, 3 Influence markers, 1 Victory Point marker, 1 Garrison tile, all armed miniatures.
Then, referring to what is indicated on their home screen, each player places on the corresponding tracks/areas on the board:
- his Supply marker
- his Victory marker
- his three Influence markers on the three tracks of the King’s Court (with less than 6 players, when all players have placed their markers, the empty spaces are filled by shifting the markers to the left)
- his starting units in the regions indicated
- his Garrison tile on his starting area
Finally, the Power tokens are placed near the board, and each player takes five of them from his house, which he places behind his board.
Each round is divided into 2 main phases: the Westeros phase and the Orders phase.
Westeros phase
3 random events will take place during this phase. Some of these are present several times in the event decks. You will therefore, several times in the game, have to deal with the four main events.
Notes: Each time an event card is applied, check first if there is a Wildling symbol on that card. If so, the Wildling Threat counter is moved one space forward. If this token reaches the 12 square, a Wildling Attack takes place immediately, as described below (Event #4).
1. Adjust your supply according to the territories controlled. To do this, each player counts the number of Supply symbols in the regions he controls, and places his marker on the corresponding box on the Supply Track. Your supply level will indicate both the total number of armies you can control and the maximum number of units each army can hold. If during the readjustment, your troops exceed your Supply level, you suffer losses and must immediately remove troops from the board in order to comply with your Supply level.
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