ARIZONA PEGS AND JOKERS OBJECT OF ARIZONA PEGS AND JOKERS: The objective of Arizona Pegs and Jokers is to be the first team to have all their pegs home. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 4,6, or 8 players MATERIALS: Four Standard decks of 52 cards, 8 Jokers, a Pegs and Jokers board for their number of players, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME: Racing Card/Board Game AUDIENCE: Adult OVERVIEW OF ARIZONA PEGS AND JOKERS Arizona Pegs and Jokers is a racing card/board game for 4, 6, or 8 players. The goal of the game is to get all your team’s pegs home before your opponents. This game is played in partnerships. So, there will be two teams of 2, 3, or 4 depending on the number of players. Each teammate sits between two opponents. Each player of the team can also move any of the team’s pegs on their turn. SETUP For each number of players, a slightly different board is used, or if you have a board that allows all player numbers there will be a specified part of the board f...